COVID and Respiratory Viruses Policy – (Updated 6/15/24)

We endeavor to maintain a safe and healthy camp for all campers.

  • Please stay home if you have any suspected symptoms of COVID or any respiratory, cold-like symptoms or any other contagious condition.
  • *  New!  NWSC will purchase an adequate supply of COVID-19 tests which will be available at the check-in table when you arrive at camp. For your safety, and for the safety of those with more vulnerable immune systems, we strongly recommend that all campers be tested upon arrival to camp. Members of the Board and camp staff will be present to assist you, if desired. Another test will be requested mid-week; tests provided by NWSC.
  • If you develop any symptoms at camp and would like to test for COVID,  tests will be available at the nurses’ station. Please also isolate to avoid spreading what you have to other campers, and make arrangements to return home.
    We recommend following the updated CDC Guidelines:
    •  If you vaccinate, stay up to date on vaccinations
    • practice good hygiene (e.g., wash hands frequently)
    • do as much outdoors as possible
    • test if symptomatic
    • stay home if symptomatic and
    • isolate if symptoms develop