NWSC 2023 Karma Yoga Sign-Up:

Welcome to NW Sufi Camp and thank you for signing up early for a karma yoga assignment!

Please note that the camp schedule is posted on the website and consider which classes you most want to attend when deciding which job slots to request, then follow the easy instructions below: Every able-bodied camper aged 15-75 is asked to put in just one Karma Yoga shift during camp.

Please take a look at the list of available slots and pick your top 3 choices. We will try mightily to get you one of your top 3 choices. Positions will be slotted as they come in, so please make your preferences known early.

See the list below. Note the Shift Number on the left hand side.


Please e-mail: nwcougar33@gmail.com with your top 3 preferred shifts, along with the title and time.


For example: Amina asks for:

Choice #1: Shift 37: Helping with the Dervish Bazaar, Tuesday, 1-3 PM

Choice #2: Shift 28: Monday Dinner 7-8 PM

Choice #3: Shift 4: Earth Plane Tear-Down, Friday 10PM to Midnight

– Note: there are limited numbers of positions on each shift. For example, if Bakr also signs up for helping with the Bazaar in the Tuesday1-3 PM slot, then that shift, Shift 37, is closed. We will try to accommodate people’s needs.

Thank you all for pitching in to make NW Sufi Camp happen. If you have any questions, please e-mail nwcougar33@gmail.com

  • NOTE: As slots are filled in, I will line them out on this sheet, and will send the person taking the job an e-mail.

Thank you, Hasan



NWSC Karma Yoga Slots: (Pick 3)

Earth Plane Set-Up – Report to Chitara

Strong backs needed for unloading (set-up) and loading (tear-down) with the Earth Plane crew.


1: Saturday 5-7pm – (2 Positions)   1 position left

2: Sunday 10am-12pm – (2 Positions)

3: Sunday 2-4pm – (2 Positions)   1 position left


Earth Plane Tear-Down – Report to Chitara  


4: Friday 10pm-12am – (2 Positions)  1 position still open

5: Saturday 7-9am – (2 Positions)

6: Saturday 11am -1pm – (2 Positions) FILLED   FILLED

7: Saturday 1 – 4pm; Travel to storage unit and unload (2 Positions)  1 post still open


Kids’ Camp – Raphaela Lead


Hang out and help with our awesome kids!

8: Monday 9:30am – 12:30pm

9: Monday 3 – 6pm

10: Monday 7:30 – 9:30pm   FILLED

11: Tuesday 9:30am – 12:30pm   FILLED

12: Tuesday 3 – 6pm  FILLED

13: Tuesday 7:30 – 9:30pm

14: Wednesday 9:30am – 12:30pm   FILLED

15: Wednesday 3 – 6pm  FILLED

16: Wednesday 7:30 – 9:30pm

17: Thursday 9:30am – 12:30pm   FILLED

18: Thursday 3 – 6pm

19: Thursday 7:30 – 9:30pm

20: Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm   FILLED

21: Friday 3 – 6pm

22: Friday 7:30 – 9:30pm




Kitchen – Nur Mariam Lead 

Dining hall clean-up (Short shifts – choose 2 slots) Wipe down tables and sweep floors after lunch and dinner.



23: Monday 1:30-2:30 PM  (Choose 2 Slots)   

24:Tuesday 1:30-2:30 PM (Choose 2 Slots)   

25: Wednesday 1:30-2:30 PM (Choose 2 Slots)  FILLED

26: Thursday 1:30-2:30 PM (Choose 2 Slots)  FILLED

27: Friday 1:30-2:30 PM (Choose 2 Slots)   FILLED



28: Monday 7-8pm (Choose 2 Slots)  FILLED

29: Tuesday  7-8pm (Choose 2 Slots)   FILLED

30: Wednesday 7-8pm (Choose 2 Slots)   FILLED

31: Thursday 7-8pm (Choose 2 Slots)   FILLED

32: Friday 7-8pm (Choose 2 Slots)  FILLED   


Late-Night Snacks:

(Slice cheese and fruit; set out snacks by 9:30pm, clean up by 11pm)

33: Monday 9-11pm    FILLED

34: Tuesday 9-11pm   FILLED

35: Wednesday 9-11pm FILLED

36: Thursday 9-11pm


Bazaar – Ayesha Goodrich Lead 

37: Tuesday Set Up 11:30-1:30pm  FILLED      

Tuesday 1:00-3:30    FILLED

38: Friday 1-3pm  FILLED

Friday Take down: 3:00-5:00 PM   FILLED


Decorations – Aletha Devi Lead 

39: Sunday put-up 11am – 3pm with break for lunch (3 Positions)  1 position left

40: Friday take-down 10pm-12am (2 Positions)   1 position left


Bell Ringer – Ring bell five minutes before meals

41: Breakfast Monday – Saturday 7:55am   FILLED

42: Lunch Monday – Friday 12:25pm   FILLED

43: Dinner Sunday-  Friday 5:55pm   FILLED