Northwest Sufi Camp
August 6-12, 2023
46th Anniversary
Walk to the Well
Turn as the Earth and Moon Turn
Circling what they Love
Whatever circles comes from the Center
(Rumi via C. Barks)
With so many ways in which the world wants to distract us from remembering that there is only ONE reality, the Well (in other times and places) is a gathering place for community. We gather at the Well to celebrate, make new friendships, to catch up on the news of our friends, see how the children have grown, how the elders are doing, hear news of those who have died or are ailing, get the news of the new ones coming. We also gather at the Well for spiritual nourishment and remembrance.
It is exciting to craft this camp with the help of Sharifa Hodges and Miriel Waldman who make up the triple goddess of Maiden, Mother, Crone holding the vision of renewal, celebration and remembrance for NWSC 2023.
This year there will be daily morning practices, daily all-camp Dances and Walks, and daily meetings with our teachers (if they are there). There will be a few more adjustments to “business as usual” under development. I hope you are intrigued and inspired to Walk to the Well.
On this website you will find places to register for camp, donate towards sustaining camp, apply for financial assistance and read about this year’s leaders and the classes. When the schedule gets finalized it will also be available here.
With all my Heart I am hoping to see you at the Well.
~Ginger Nuria Lee~
And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there’s no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that’s what you do
Rod Stewart
Surround me with your boundless love
Confound me with your boundless love
I was drowning in the sea, lost as I could be
When you found me with your boundless love
You dumbfound me with your boundless love
You surround me with your boundless love
John Prine