Getting to know camp

Northwest Sufi Camp has been celebrating love, harmony and beauty for almost 50 years! The info here has been compiled to help you orient to camp. Please reach out with any questions you may have. We’re excited to welcome you!

Trillium flower in Northern Oregon.

Home in Northern Oregon

Northwest Sufi Camp unfolds at Camp Cedar Ridge in Vernonia, Oregon, about 45 minutes from Portland. Camp Cedar Ridge spans 32 acres of gently sloping meadow, wooded trails, creek and swimming pool in the coastal range of northern Oregon. The land is home to deer, elk, eagles, great blue herons and foxes.

We strive to make camp accessible to everyone who wants to attend. Please contact our registrar with any questions about accessibility.

Pricing for all

The NWSC community welcomes all people regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation or socioeconomics. We strive to make camp a safe and welcoming place for all those in our community. Please reach out for fee assistance.

Setting up a tent.

Lodging options abound

Choose from:

Idyllic tenting (both centrally located and isolated sites are available)

Family cabins (4 to a room)

Bunkhouse rooms (4-6 to a room)

Shared Lodge rooms (with bedding, indoor baths, extra fees and limited availability—so register early!)

Eating at camp

The Cedar Ridge kitchen staff serves delicious meals with support for special diets including omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and dairy free. There’s shopping in nearby Vernonia and you’ll have access to a refrigerator to store your (clearly labeled) personal food.

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Hand holding cozy mug of tea.

A culture of service

Before arriving, campers who are able choose a karma yoga task like ringing the bell before meals or cleaning our meeting tent. A long standing camp tradition, karma yoga allows us to embody sacred service and be an active part of the camp ecosystem.

NWSC is powered by community

Baqi Kana Shephard, the registrar for Northwest Sufi Camp.

Baqi Kana Shephard,
NWSC Registrar

Chela Sloper, the manager for Northwest Sufi Camp.

Chela Sloper,
NWSC Manager